About this Site

This site was created to share research information about the Georg Andreas Michels and Margaretha Anna Scharrer family.

My mother, Myra Crouch Dickson, spent years researching the Michels family and was never able to find Andreas parents.

In 2017, Newspapers.com uploaded historical newspapers from Pittsburg, Kansas. It was there I found the obituary of Andreas. Fortunetly, whoever in his family wrote his obituary, included the fact that he was born in Sommerhausen, Germany. With that clue, I was able to search the Sommerhausen Lutheran records located on Archion and locate Andrea's parents - Johann Valentin Michels and Elisabetha Barbara Leipert. From this birth record, we also learn that Johann Valentin was a master baker.

No death records are included in the church records for either parent. Also, there are no Scharrers listed in Sommerhausen. This leads me to believe the Michels family moved from Sommerhausen to another city where Andreas met and married Margaretha.

I have all the records I have uncovered attached to my tree, MeredithRoots, on Ancestry.com. However, since not all of my family has access to Ancestry, I have will post the on this site.

The background photograph is of Sommerhausen.

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